Thursday, February 4, 2010

Throw More Cabbage

I woke up several times last night to both of our cats running around the house chasing each other. It didn't bode well for my frist day of training. However, after a morning visit to the Fitness Center, all seemed fairly well in the world. Today was "speed" training so here is what I did:

6 X 400 Meters at 6 minute pace (that was 1:30 or level "10" for you treadmill folks)
Lifting all felt pretty darn good. I pounded out each 1/4 mile and even ran an extra 30 seconds on my fourth one.

The awkward moment of the day was walking up to the two best treadmills in the FC at the same time a 90 lb girl was. I offered her the more heavy-duty one and she laughed at me. I shared with her that those particular two treadills were the only ones I do not break. She laughed again, but nervously - kind of like one might laugh nervously at a walrus that starts getting a little too close and you don't know whether to flee or throw more cabbage. Well, I don't want to brag but I put her 90 lbs of thinness in the dust once we got on our separate treadmills.

Feeling good after day one.

Rhino out!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Ham Salad Farewell

Knowing this day was coming, I sat on the edge of the sofa around midnight and ate the last of the ham salad on pumpernickel while watching Sportscenter. Earlier in the day I had eaten two donuts as kind of a "last supper" of sorts. I topped off my midnight snack with the final can of ginger ale. Dunkin, our youngest cat, was in my lap trying to get as close to my sandwich as possible. He seemed to know something was ending and something was beginning.

Anytime you start something new, you also end something. So, as I start training for the Indy Mini-Marathon I will start running further, start eating healthy more consistently, and hopefully start dropping some pounds. What am I ending? Well, ham salad at midnight for starters. Who knows what else? Poor Dunkin won't be trying to get in my lap to eat veggies, healthy soups, and more fruit.

I found a training program online that I will try and stick to. And, I started this blog - not because I think I have anything interesting to say, but more as a way of holding myself accountable.

So, with this entry posted, tomorrow will begin the long and lumbering steps towards somehow running for almost 2 hours without attracting vultures. Gotta to start somewhere.

Run Rhino